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Procedures P-VII-7.20-GC

Procedures for UMGC Policy on Administrative Time Off

  1. Overseas Procedures for Administrative Time Off for Extreme Weather Conditions
    1. UMGC Asia
      1. Extreme Weather
        1. During extreme weather, the installation commander or UMGC may announce that only mission essential personnel are to report for work. An official "closedown" announcement usually occurs when a typhoon is in Condition of Readiness (COR) #1, or when flooding, ice, and/or snow have created extremely dangerous road conditions. Should employees be unable to report for work or be excused early, Overseas Regular and Overseas Contingent III employees will be placed on Administrative Time Off.
        2. Employees who are on Vacation Time Off, Compensatory Time Off, Sick Time Off, or Leave of Absence Without Pay for the designated closedown period are not eligible for Administrative Time Off.
        3. During extreme weather conditions in which a closedown has been announced all non-essential employees should not report to work until notified that it is safe to resume normal activities.
        4. Employees may report to work when an "all clear" has been announced.
      2. Security Risk

        In the event of a delayed opening, early dismissal, or closure due to a security risk in accordance with VII-11.00-GC – UMGC Policy on Noncombatant Emergency Operation (NEO) for Overseas Employees, employees will be placed on Administrative Time Off.

    2. UMGC Europe
      1. Extreme Weather
        1. During extreme weather, local military installations may announce "green," "amber," or "red" road conditions. Should staff members be unable to report for work Overseas Regular and Overseas Contingent III employees will be placed on Administrative Time Off when traffic delays are expected during code "amber" or code "red" road conditions.
        2. During extreme weather conditions, local military installations or UMGC may announce a delayed opening, early dismissal or location closure. In the event of a location closure, Overseas Regular and Overseas Contingent III employees will be placed on Administrative Time Off.
        3. Employees who are on Vacation Time Off, Compensatory Time Off, Sick Time Off, or Leave of Absence Without Pay during "amber" or "red" road conditions or closure of their work location due to extreme weather conditions are not eligible for Administrative Time Off.
        4. Employees are reminded that base commanders often make announcements regarding school closings. These announcements do not necessarily apply to UMGC offices. Staff should check with their supervisor to confirm whether they are required to report to work.
      2. Security Risk

        In the event of a delayed opening, early dismissal, or closure due to a security risk in accordance with VII-11.00-GC – UMGC Policy on Noncombatant Emergency Operation (NEO) for Overseas Employees, employees will be placed on Administrative Time Off.

  2. Procedures for Administrative Time Off for Attendance at Employee Organization Events
    1. Any employee organization which is permitted to collect dues by payroll deduction may request that its member employees be released from their normal duties for the purpose of participating in approved organization activities.
    2. The total amount of Administrative Time Off granted to employees who are members of any employee organization at ÐÒ¸£±¦µ¼º½ during a fiscal year may not exceed one day for every 20 employees who are members of that employee organization and who have dues collected by payroll deduction as of July 1 of that fiscal year.
    3. All requests for Administrative Time Off shall be submitted to the President 30 calendar days in advance of the event and shall include:
      1. A general description of the event and its purpose;
      2. The date and location of the event;
      3. The names of employee members for whom Administrative Time Off is being requested.
    4. After verifying the validity of the request and the accuracy of the time being requested, the President may approve Administrative Time Off if the employee's services can be spared without impairing the services of the department(s) involved.
    5. If the employee organization needs to substitute employee members for those previously granted Administrative Time Off, or substitute new dates, such requests shall be submitted to the President for approval. Such substitutions may be approved if the substitution will not impair the services of the unit.
  3. Administrative Time Off for Other Purposes in the Best Interest of the University
    1. The Office of Human Resources must be first notified when it is in the best interest of ÐÒ¸£±¦µ¼º½ to place an employee on Administrative Time Off. For Stateside employees, the employee's supervisor must contact the designated HR Business Partner (HRBP) at hrpartners@umgc.edu or the Office of Human Resources, Employee Relation (HRER) at hrer@umgc.edu to initiate the process for placing an employee on Administrative Time Off. For Overseas employees, the employee's supervisor must contact the Office of Human Resources in the division in which the employee is assigned to initiate the process for placing an employee on Administrative Time Off.
    2. The designated Office of Human Resources employee is responsible for notifying the Chief HR Officer (CHRO) or designee. The CHRO or designee must approve the request to place an employee on Administrative Time Off.
    3. If the CHRO or designee approves the request, the designated Office of Human Resources employee must complete an Administrative Time Off Approval Form and send it to the President or designee for approval to place an employee on Administrative Time Off. A copy of the signed Administrative Time Off Approval Form must be placed in the employee's personnel file.
    4. If the President or designee approves the request, the designated Office of Human Resources employee will notify the employee's supervisor and will work with the supervisor to draft a notification letter informing the employee of the decision.
    5. The designated Office of Human Resources employee must also notify Payroll, IT and Security, if applicable, to temporarily deactivate site and system access.
    6. The designated Office of Human Resources employee is also responsible for placing and removing the employee on approved Administrative Time Off in Workday.
    7. If the employee returns to work, the designated Office of Human resources employee is responsible for notifying Payroll, IT and Security.
  4. Administrative Leave During Involuntary Separation Notice Period
    1. Administrative leave pending involuntary separation:
      1. Exempt and Overseas Staff employees: An Exempt or Overseas Staff employee who is notified of termination may be placed on Administrative Leave for any or all of the period of notice in accordance with VII-1.22-GC – UMGC Policy on Separation for Regular Exempt and Overseas Staff Employees or the employee's contract, as applicable. The employee shall not earn other paid Time Off (Vacation, Sick, Holiday and Personal) during the period of Administrative Leave.
      2. Nonexempt Staff employees: A Nonexempt Staff employee who is notified of rejection on probation or termination may be placed on Administrative Leave for any or all of the period of notice in accordance with VII-1.23-GC – UMGC Policy on Separation of Nonexempt Staff Employees or the employee's contract, as applicable. The employee shall earn other paid Time Off (Vacation, Sick, Holiday and Personal) for the duration of the period of Administrative Leave.
    2. Administrative Leave Pending Layoff:

      An Exempt, Nonexempt, or Overseas Staff employee on Regular status who is notified of a pending layoff may be placed on Administrative Leave for all or part of the period of notice in accordance with VII-1.30-GC – UMGC Policy on Layoff for Nonexempt Employees or VII-1.32-GC – UMGC Policy on Layoff and Recall of Exempt and Overseas Employees, as applicable. The employee shall earn other paid Time Off (Vacation, Sick, Holiday and Personal) for the duration of the period of Administrative Leave.

    3. In all instances, the written notice to the employee regarding the personnel action shall also inform the employee of his or her Administrative Leave status.

Replacement for:

  • UMGC 432.00: Administrative Leave Usage