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UMGC Policy III-6.31 Student Address and Location

Policy CategoryPolicy OwnerVersion Effective DateReview CyclePolicy Contact
III. Academic AffairsSVP & CAOJune 21, 2023Every 2 yearsRegistrar's Office
  1. Purpose
    This Policy establishes how University of Maryland Global Campus (University) will determine the primary physical location of prospective and current students in accordance with the state authorization requirements of 34 CFR § 600.9(c), the professional licensure disclosure requirements of 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v) and 668.43(c) and other applicable requirements.
  2. Scope and Applicability
    This Policy applies to all Prospective Students and Current Students as defined below.
  3. Procedures
    The Chief Academic Officer has designated the Registrar to administer this policy and to develop procedures as necessary to implement this policy.
  4. Definitions
    1. Current Student: An individual who has been admitted to the University and has not graduated or been discontinued or otherwise dismissed from the University.
    2. Location: The State or other location in which the student is primarily physically located while engaged in educational activities with the University.
    3. Mailing Address: The address at which the Current Student or Prospective Student currently receives mail.
    4. Permanent Address: The address of the Current Student’s permanent principal home as provided to the University on the application for admission or otherwise indicated in the University’s system of record; it is the address where the Current Student currently lives and intends to stay or if the Student is temporarily living at another address, it is the address to which the Current Student returns or intends to return.  
    5. Prospective Student: An individual who has submitted a University online information request form or admissions application and does not meet the definition of a Current Student.
    6. State: U.S. state or territory
  5. Determining Student Location
    1. Current Student Location
      1. For the purpose of compliance with the state authorization requirements of 34 CFR § 600.9(c) and the professional licensure disclosures requirements of 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v) and 668.43(c), a Current Student’s Location is based on the Permanent Address provided by the Current Student to the University at the time of admission and maintained in the University’s system of record.
      2. If a Permanent Address is not available, the University will use the Mailing Address to determine the Current Student’s Location. 
    2. Prospective Student Location: For the purpose of compliance with the professional licensure disclosure requirements of 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v) and 668.43(c), a Prospective Student’s Location is derived from the address information provided by the Prospective Student on the completed University information request form or admissions application. If a Prospective Student has submitted both an information request form and an admissions application, the Prospective Student Location will be determined by the most recent submission.
  6. Updating Student Location
    1. Current Students will update their Location in the University’s online student portal when this information changes or as soon as reasonably practicable, or when prompted by the University.
    2. On an annual basis, the University will send a notice to Current Students as a reminder to update this information in the University’s online student portal.
    3. Prospective Students may update their Location by contacting the University directly and providing their updated address information.
  7. Reporting Student Location
    When student location data is needed for data reporting purposes, such as reports required by the U.S. Department of Education or the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), the University will follow the applicable reporting entity’s rules for determining a Current Student’s or Prospective Student’s location.
  8. Exceptions
    Exceptions to this Policy may be made on a case-by-case basis by the policy administrator in conjunction with other appropriate units within the University.