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Policy VII-1.01-GC

UMGC Policy on Recruitment, Selection, and Probation

(Approved by USM BOR on April 21, 2017; UMGC President on July 1, 2017)

  1. Purpose and Applicability

    This policy defines the recruitment and selection philosophy for all University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) Nonexempt, Exempt, and Overseas Staff positions on Regular and Contingent Statuses. Additionally, this policy establishes the principles under which Nonexempt, Exempt, and Overseas Staff employees on Regular status shall serve a probationary period of work in order to demonstrate their ability to perform the duties and fulfill the responsibilities of their position. Nonexempt Staff employees who are included in the representation of the collective bargaining unit are subject to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and applicable UMGC HR Policies; where there is a conflict between the two, the MOU will prevail.

  2. Recruitment and Selection

    Equal Employment Opportunity: In order to ensure that all UMGC Staff employees are individuals of the highest caliber and diverse backgrounds commensurate with the global community ÐÒ¸£±¦µ¼º½ serves, ÐÒ¸£±¦µ¼º½ shall develop appropriate recruitment, screening and selection procedures, consistent with applicable regulations governing Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action and include consideration of hiring internal applicants who apply to fill a vacant position.

  3. Probation for Nonexempt Staff Employees

    1. There are two types of probation for Nonexempt Staff employees, as follows:

      1. Original Probation: The period following original appointment to a Nonexempt job class or to a Nonexempt position at UMGC following a break in service of three (3) or more years.

      2. Status Change Probation: The period following Nonexempt Reinstatement or competitive Transfer within UMGC (Promotion, Lateral Transfer, or Demotion).

    2. Length of Probation Period

      1. The Original Probation and Status Change Probation periods shall be six (6) months.

      2. Upon request by the appropriate administrator, the CHRO or designee may extend the period of an Original or Status Change Probation for an additional six (6) months. The employee shall be given written notice of any decision to extend the probation period.

      3. An employee on Contingent Category II Status who is appointed to the same position on a Regular Status without a break in service shall have the time served apply towards completion of Original or Status Change Probation. However, upon request by the appropriate administrator and regardless of the time served in the position, the CHRO or designee may require a probationary period of six (6) months. The probationary period may be extended an additional six (6) months.

    3. Salary Adjustments During Probation

      1. Merit: Merit increases may be granted during an Original Probation period.

      2. Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA): A COLA shall be granted when, and in the amount approved by the Maryland General Assembly.

      3. Adjustment for Passing Probation: Nonexempt employees who successfully complete an Original Probation or Promotional Status Change Probation (at least one pay range higher than the prior position) shall receive a 2.5% adjustment to their base salary upon completion of the probation, pursuant to VII-9.20-UC – UMGC Policy on Pay Administration for Nonexempt Staff Employees.

    4. Employees Not Subject to Probation

      1. An employee who has satisfactorily completed Original Probation and who is Reinstated to the same Nonexempt job class in the same department within the Reinstatement Period shall not serve a probationary period. If the employee has not completed an Original Probation period prior to being Reinstated, the remainder of the Original Probation period shall be served.

      2. An employee who has satisfactorily completed Original or Status Change Probation, in a position and that position is Reclassified, shall not serve a new probationary period. If the employee has not completed an Original or Status Change Probation in that position before it is Reclassified, the employee shall serve the remainder of the probation in the Reclassified position.

      3. An employee who has been placed on a Temporary Assignment/Reassignment shall not be subject to a probationary period.

      4. An employee who has been Demoted to a Nonexempt job class in which an Original or Status Change probation period has previously been served shall not serve a probation period, regardless of the Department/Unit where the probation was served.

    5. Rejection on Probation

      1. Original Probation

        1. An appropriate administrator, as defined in applicable UMGC Procedures, may terminate an employee on Original Probation for any reason at any time. A written notice of the rejection on probation of at least 30 calendar days shall be given to the employee and the CHRO shall be notified of this action. Notification of rejection shall be provided prior to the expiration date of the Nonexempt Staff probation period.

        2. The written notice shall advise the employee of the right to appeal the rejection to the CHRO or designee, pursuant to VII-8.00-UC – UMGC Policy on Grievances for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees.

        3. At the discretion of the appropriate administrator and in consultation with the CHRO, the employee may be placed on Administrative Time Off with pay following the written notice. The employee shall not earn Vacation, Sick, Personal, or Holiday Time Off during this period.

      2. Status Change Probation

        1. An appropriate administrator may terminate an employee serving a Status Change Probation for cause only.

        2. Written notice of the rejection on Status Change Probation shall be given to the employee and CHRO or designee at least 30 calendar days prior to the end of the probationary period.

        3. The written notice shall state the reason(s) for and effective date of the rejection and shall advise the employee of the right to appeal the rejection to the CHRO or designee, pursuant to VII-8.00-UC – UMGC Policy On Grievances for Nonexempt and Exempt Staff employees.

        4. At the discretion of the appropriate administrator and in consultation with the CHRO or designee, the employee may be placed on Administrative Time Off with pay following the written notice. The employee shall not earn Vacation, Sick, Personal, or Holiday Time Off during this period. Any time off that the employee would have accrued on Administrative Time Off shall be restored if the employee is returned to the position as the result of a successful grievance.

        5. An employee whose job class has been changed as a result of a competitive promotion and is rejected during a Status Change Probation shall be reinstated to his/her former position if it is vacant or held by a Contingent employee.

      3. Exception to Notice Requirement
        An employee serving an Original or Status Change Probation may be subject to immediate termination without prior notice in the event that the employee's gross incompetence or gross misconduct jeopardizes essential services or endangers the health or safety of any UMGC employee, student, visitor, contractor, or affiliate.

  4. Probation for UMGC Exempt and Overseas Staff Employees on Regular Status

    1. Probation for this group is defined as the period following a competitive search and appointment to an Exempt or Overseas Staff Regular Status position.

    2. Length of Probation and Applicability
      The probation period for Exempt and Overseas Staff Regular Status shall be one (1) year for new hires and for the employee who voluntarily competes for and accepts a different Exempt or Overseas Staff Regular Status position at UMGC.

    3. Merit: Merit increases may be granted during an Original Probation period.

    4. Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA): A COLA shall be granted when, and in the amount approved by the Maryland General Assembly.

    5. Employees Not Subject to Probation

      1. If an employee has completed an Original or Status Change Probation for a Nonexempt position and that position is reclassified to an Exempt or Overseas Staff Regular position in that same Department or Unit, the employee shall be considered to have completed the Exempt or Overseas probation in that position. If an employee is serving an Original or Status Change Probation for a Nonexempt position and that position is changed to Exempt or Overseas Staff position on Regular status in that same department or unit, the employee shall be required to serve the balance of a probationary period equal to one (1) year.

      2. If an employee has completed at least one (1) year in a faculty position and that position is reclassified to an Exempt or Overseas Staff Regular position in that same Department or Unit, the employee shall be considered to have completed Exempt or Overseas Probation in that position. If an employee has completed less than one (1) year in a faculty position and that position is reclassified to Exempt or Overseas Staff in the same Department or Unit, the employee shall be required to serve the balance of a probationary period equal to one (1) year.

    6. Rejection on Probation

      1. An appropriate administrator, as defined in applicable UMGC Procedures, may terminate an Exempt or Overseas Staff employee on Regular Status on Original Probation for any reason at any time. A written notice of the rejection on probation of at least 30 calendar days shall be given to the employee and the CHRO shall be notified of this action. Notification of rejection shall be provided prior to the expiration date of the Exempt or Overseas Staff probation period.

      2. The written notice shall state the effective date of termination and advise the employee of the right to appeal based solely on grounds of procedural deficiency or violation of this policy or law. The notice shall include filing deadlines for appeal of the rejection to the CHRO or designee, pursuant to the applicable grievance procedures.

    7. Exception to Notice Requirement

      1. An employee may be subject to immediate separation without prior notice in the event of such gross incompetence or gross misconduct as to jeopardize essential services or endanger the health or safety of any UMGC employee, student, visitor, contractor, or affiliate.

      2. Overseas Staff Regular Status employees: The 30-day notice requirement set forth above may be shortened by UMGC Asia/Europe, if appropriate, in response to requirements, requests, or the actions of the Department of Defense or its components and/or anticipated impact to UMGC Asia or Europe's military contract obligations.

Implementation Procedures

The UMGC President has designated the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) to administer this policy; to develop procedures as necessary to implement this policy; to communicate this policy to the ÐÒ¸£±¦µ¼º½ community; and to post the policy and any applicable procedures on the UMGC website.

Replacement for:

  • USM BOR VII-1.01: Policy on Recruitment and Selection

  • USM BOR VII-1.21: Policy on Probation for Regular Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees

  • ÐÒ¸£±¦µ¼º½ OS 5.00: Policy on Overseas Recruitment and Selection

  • ÐÒ¸£±¦µ¼º½ OS 9.00: Policy on Probation for Overseas Regular Staff Members