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Policy 150.30

Procedures for Reports of Academic Misconduct

Policy CategoryPolicy OwnerVersion Effective DateReview CyclePolicy Contact
III. Academic AffairsSVP & CAOMay 23, 2024AnnualOAIA
  1. Applicability
    These Procedures apply to Reports of Academic Misconduct and will be used to implement Policy 150.25 Academic Integrity.
  2. Definitions
    All capitalized terms in these Procedures have the meanings provided in Policy 150.25 Academic Integrity.
  3. Educational Intervention
    1. Faculty and OAIA Case Managers are encouraged to provide feedback, academically based coaching, rewrite opportunities, or other Educational Interventions to assist students with learning about academic integrity practices such as how to paraphrase or properly cite a source.
    2. Faculty may take small deductions from rewrite grades that are lower than sanctions that the OAIA imposes as outlined in the information available on the OAIA’s University intranet site.
    3. Faculty do not report Educational Interventions to the OAIA unless they become part of a Report of subsequent concerns about Academic Misconduct.
  4. Educational Remediation
    1. Additional circumstances outlined in the policy should be used to determine the severity of a Student’s actions. 
  5. Report
    1. If any individual, other than a faculty member, receives information, knows of, or suspects that a Student has engaged in Academic Misconduct, the individual may submit a Report that includes a brief narrative of the situation, to OAIA by emailing integrityreview@umgc.edu.
    2. If a faculty member receives information, knows of, or suspects that a Student has engaged in Academic Misconduct, the faculty member may submit a Report that includes a brief narrative of the situation to the OAIA using a form available on the OAIA resources area of the University's intranet.
  6. Step Up Authentication
    1. If the University's computing resources detect suspicious activities, irregularities, or anomalies, Students may be required to verify their credentials using Step Up Authentication in order to regain access to University computing resources.
    2. The Student will be permitted to regain access to University computing resources if the Student is able to provide verifying information.
    3. If the Student is unable to regain access to University computing resources, the Student may contact OAIA at integrityreview@umgc.edu for assistance.
    4. Whether or not the Student is able to regain access to University computing resources, OAIA may monitor the information and determine whether to submit a Report.
  7. Initial Inquiry
    1. The Case Manager will conduct an Initial Inquiry as follows:
      1. Determining Whether an Investigation Is Warranted
        1. To determine whether a Full Review is needed, the Case Manager will review the Report and, at the discretion of the Case Manager, may contact individuals who may have relevant information regarding the Report.
        2. In order to make a fair and informed decision, the Case Manager will consider the nature and extent of the academic integrity concerns; the nature of the Academic Assessment; the level of the course; the Student's experience in higher education; the information, training and instruction received by the Student; the syllabus and Academic Assessment instructions; the degree to which the Student demonstrated an effort to learn in the course or in the Academic Assessment; and/or any other information, in the discretion of the Case Manager, that may be relevant to determining whether a Full Review is needed.
      2. If the concerns in the Report rise to the level of potentially breaking a law, OAIA may consult with the Office of Legal Affairs and/or contact the appropriate authorities to make a report.
    2. Violations of Another University Policy
      1. During the Initial Inquiry, if the Case Manager determines that the Report contains concerns that may be a violation of another University policy, other than the Academic Integrity Policy, the Case Manager will consult with the office(s) responsible for those other policies and determine how to proceed.
    3. Privacy and Security Measures
      1. During the Initial Inquiry, the Case Manager will consider whether Privacy  and Security Measures should be imposed, according to the Policy.
      2. The Case Manager will make reasonable efforts to ensure that any Privacy and Security Measures are implemented in a way that has the least adverse impact on the Student, including working with faculty member(s) and the Student to make arrangements for the Student to complete required coursework.
      3. Opportunity to Be Heard regarding Privacy and Security Measures
        1. After the Student receives the Notice of the Report and the Privacy and Security Measures and completes the response form linked in the Notice, the Student may appeal the Privacy and Security Measures by submitting an objection in writing to the Case Manager. The written appeal must include:
          1. A written explanation of the reasons for objecting to the Privacy and Security Measures. The explanation must directly address the information provided in the Notice, and,
          2. Documentation to support factual statements and claims made in the written appeal.
          3. The appeal must be submitted within five (5) Business Days of the date the Case Manager confirms receipt of the Student’s completed response form.
        2. A panel of at least three UMGC employees representing at least two different business units, one of whom possesses appropriate technical expertise, will be identified from a pool of trained and qualified employees as the Measures Appeal Panel. One member of the panel will be appointed as the Measures Appeal Panel Representative who will communicate with the Student.
        3. The Case Manager will forward the appeal to members of the Measures Appeal Panel for review. The appeal must be submitted within five (5) Business Days of the date the Case Manager confirms receipt of the Student’s completed response form. The Student must state the reasons the Student objects to the Privacy and Security Measures in the written appeal.
        4. Once the Case Manager has sent the Student’s appeal and case documentation to the Measures Appeal Panel, the Measures Appeal Panel Representative will contact the Student within three (3) Business Days and give the Student an opportunity to meet by telephone, or by videoconference ("Conference"). The Conference should be scheduled within five (5) Business Days of the notification about the Conference. The Student may indicate whether they consent to having the Conference recorded and shared with the full Measures Appeal Panel. If the Student does not consent to having the Conference recorded, they will agree that the Measures Appeal Panel Representative will share a summary of the meeting with the Measures Appeal Panel.
        5. If a Conference is scheduled, the Student may have another individual present for support and advice; however, that individual may not speak on behalf of the Student. During the call or videoconference, the Student may request to discuss in private with the individual present for support and advice.
        6. During the Conference, the Student and the Measures Appeal Panel Representative may discuss whether the conduct and surrounding circumstances reasonably indicate that the Student’s access to ÐÒ¸£±¦µ¼º½ computing resources poses a substantial threat to the Student, to others, or to the stability and continuance of normal UMGC or USM operations.
        7. The Measures Appeal Panel will consider the information provided by the Student and decide whether to uphold, modify, or reverse the Privacy and Security Measures as soon as practicable and no later than two (2) business days after the Conference if the Student chooses that option or after the Student has notified the Measures Appeal Panel Representative that they do not wish to participate in a Conference. This decision is final and cannot be appealed or grieved.
        8. The Measures Appeal Panel Representative will send their findings and determination by email to the Student, members of the Panel, and the Case Manager.
  8. Notice to the Student
    1. Prior to a Notice being sent to a Student regarding a Full Review of Academic Misconduct concerns, the University will assign a temporary placeholder of a "G" in lieu of a grade for the course(s) in which Academic Misconduct may have occurred; this placeholder cannot be removed until the Report is resolved.
    2. After the Notice is received by the Student, if the Student has questions regarding the Policy, these Procedures, or the review process, the Student may contact their assigned Case Manager or OAIA at integrityreview@umgc.edu.
    3. If, during the course of a Full Review, additional concerns emerge, the Case Manager will conduct another Initial Inquiry, and if further review is needed, the Notice will be revised if the concerns arise out of the same facts and circumstances. A new Notice will be issued if the new concerns are not related to the original facts and circumstances.
    4. Objection to the Case Manager
      1. An objection to the Case Manager must be submitted in writing to the AVP-OAIA or designee who will review the objection and determine whether there is sufficient information to show bias or that the Case Manager may not be able to be impartial in considering the academic integrity concerns.
      2. The written objection may be sent to the AVP-OAIA or designee following the Notice. The latest an objection may be sent is two (2) Business Days after the Documentation Summary is sent to the Student.
      3. If the AVP-OAIA or designee finds sufficient information to show bias or that the Case Manager may not be able to be impartial in considering the concerns in the Notice, the AVP-OAIA or designee will appoint a new Case Manager.
      4. If an objection to the Case Manager is not received in writing by two (2) Business Days following the Documentation Summary, the Student will be considered to have waived any objection to the Case Manager.
  9. Full Review
    1. The Case Manager, in the Case Manager's sole discretion, may request information from any individual whom the Case Manager believes may have relevant information regarding the academic integrity concerns.
      1. The Case Manager may set a reasonable Deadline for the individual's response to a request for information.
      2. If an individual responds to a request for information after the Deadline but before the Full Review ends, the Case Manager may consider the response, in the Case Manager's sole discretion.
      3. If a telephone call or videoconference is scheduled to request information from the Student, the Student may have another individual present for support and advice; however, that individual may not speak on behalf of the Student. During the call or videoconference, the Student may request to discuss in private with the individual present for support and advice.
    2. If the Student fails to respond to the Notice in writing or to a request for information from the Case Manager by the Deadline, the Full Review will continue without the Student's participation unless the Student can show a valid reason for failing to respond, as determined by the Case Manager.
    3. Documentation Summary
      1. The Documentation Summary may include, but is not limited to, the following information:
        1. A summary of the relevant facts gathered throughout the Full Review;
        2. A list of the individuals to whom the Case Manager submitted a request for information and a summary of the relevant information provided by each individual;
        3. A list of the relevant documents gathered with copies attached;
        4. A list of the relevant information gathered with images of the information; and
        5. A summary of data, if any, from University computing resources that is relevant to the concerns.
      2. This Documentation will not include conclusions by the Case Manager regarding the Student’s actions or Consequences.
      3. In the Case Manager's sole discretion, the Case Manager may redact any information contained in the documents that is irrelevant to the concerns in the Notice.
      4. The Case Manager will submit a copy of the Documentation Summary to OAIA's case management system.
  10. Opportunity to Be Heard
    1. The Student may respond to the Documentation Summary within six (6) Business Days of the date the Case Manager sent a copy to the Student.
    2. A Response to the Documentation should:
      1. Clearly explain the Student's position regarding the concerns and the information gathered in the Documentation; and
      2. Provide any additional information such as:
        1. Copies of additional documents or information and an explanation of why these documents or information are relevant; and/or
        2. Names and contact information for additional individuals who may be able to provide relevant information regarding the academic integrity concerns and a brief description of what those individuals may be able to provide.
      3. If the Case Manager conducts any additional reviews, the Case Manager will revise the Documentation Summary and provide a copy of the Revised Documentation Summary to the Student.
        1. The Student may respond to the Revised Documentation Summary in writing within five (5) Business Days of the date the Case Manager sent a copy to the Student.
        2. The Student must follow the same requirements indicated in the Procedures above for this Response and may respond only to the new or revised information provided.
  11. Decision and Consequences
    1. The Case Manager will review all of the Documentation and information for the case and make a Decision regarding the student's responsibility for the concerns indicated in the Notice to the Student. If the student is found responsible for Academic Misconduct, the Case Manager will determine the appropriate Consequence(s) according to the Policy.
    2. The Case Manager will notify the Student of the Decision in writing.
    3. The Case Manager will submit a copy of the Decision to OAIA's case management system.
    4. The faculty member(s) for the course(s) in which the academic integrity concerns occurred will be notified if the Student was found responsible and the Consequences that were assigned. The faculty member will not be notified if the faculty member was not the Reporter and the Student was found not responsible.
    5. When required by the Academic Integrity Policy, the Case Manager will notify the Registrar’s Office to make the appropriate transcript notations for Disciplinary Consequences.
  12. Appeal
    1. The Student may appeal the Decision by sending a message about the intent to appeal to the Case Manager within five (5) Business Days of the date the Decision was sent to the Student.
    2. Within two (2) Business Days, the Case Manager will send the student the link to the Appeal Request Form. The Student has three (3) Business Days from when the link is sent to complete the Form.
    3. The AVP-OAIA will respond to the Student within two (2) Business Days of the Student’s Appeal Request Form submission with the result of whether the student meets at least one ground for appeal. If it is determined that a Student meets at least one ground for appeal, the Student has five (5) business days to submit a written Appeal to integrityreview@umgc.edu. If it is determined that the Student does not meet at least one ground for appeal, the request for appeal will be denied and no further appeal will be allowed.
    4. The Appeal must include a brief written statement outlining the reasons for the Appeal, meet the formatting requirements below, and contain the Student's desired outcome.
    5. Format
      1. The Appeal needs to be clear, concise, and focused on information directly related to the grounds for appeal.
      2. The Student may attach copies of any information that was presented to the Case Manager during the Full Review as part of the Appeal.
      3. If the Student has appealed through the criteria of new information that was not reasonably available during case review, the Student must attach copies of any new or significant information for consideration and must state the reasons why such information was not available to the Student during the Review.
    6. Decision Appeal Panel
      1. Within two (2) Business Days of receipt of a written Appeal, the AVP-OAIA will appoint a Decision Appeal Panel. The Decision Appeal Panel will be comprised of three (3) UMGC employees from at least two (2) different departments and will include at least one (1) employee with expertise relevant to the type of academic misconduct that is the subject of the Appeal. The AVP-OAIA will send written notice to the Student with the names and titles of the Decision Appeal Panel members within one (1) business day of the Panel being appointed.
        1. Objection to the Decision Appeal Panel Member(s)
          1. An objection to any Decision Appeal Panel members must be submitted in writing to the Deputy Chief Academic Officer ("DCAO") or designee within three (3) Business Days of receiving the names of the Appeal Panel members at cao-office@umgc.edu. The DCAO or designee will review the objection and determine whether there is sufficient information to show bias or that the identified Decision Appeal Panel member(s) may not be able to be impartial in considering the academic integrity concerns.
          2. If the DCAO or designee finds there is sufficient information to show bias or that the Decision Appeal Panel member(s) may not be able to be impartial in considering the Appeal, the DCAO or designee will appoint (a) new Decision Appeal Panel member(s).
          3. If an objection to any Decision Appeal Panel member(s) is not received in writing prior to the completion of the Appeal process, the Student will be considered to have waived any objection to the Decision Appeal Panel.
    7. Appeal Decision
      1. If the original Decision is reversed, the Decision Appeal Panel will direct the AVP-OAIA to make this change or to reconsider the case.
      2. The Decision Appeal Panel may require a new review or may require that a new Case Manager review the case.
      3. If any additional review or consideration of new documentation or information is requested by the Decision Appeal Panel, the review should be completed by the Case Manager and a new Decision made as promptly as possible.
      4. The Deadline to submit the Appeal Decision may be extended by the Decision Appeal Panel in the Decision Appeal Panel's  discretion, as necessary to ensure the integrity and completeness of the appeal process.
      5. If additional time is needed to complete the appeal process, the Decision Appeal Panel shall notify the Student in writing.
      6. The Case Manager will store and maintain the Appeal Decision in the OAIA's case management system.
  13. Records Removal
    1. In accordance with the University’s Record Retention Schedule, OAIA will retain all Reports, regardless of how the Report was resolved; the Notice; the Documentation Summary; the Revised Documentation Summary; the Decision; any Appeal materials; the Appeal Decision; all correspondence between the Student and any representative of the University related to the Notice; and any other records related to the Notice.
    2. Academic integrity concerns resolved by means of an Initial Inquiry only without a Full Review are not part of a Student's disciplinary file or academic record.
    3. Records Removal
      1. To request removal of transcript notations that specify academic misconduct, the Student must submit a Petition for Removal ("Petition") to integrityreview@umgc.edu and complete each question in the Petition.
        1. If the Student is seeking to remove a Sanction of a Suspension, the Student must also submit two (2) letters of support from individuals who know the Student in a current or recent academic or professional capacity and a transcript from all institutions of higher education that the Student has attended or is attending.
        2. If the Student is seeking to remove a Sanction lower than a Suspension, the Student may submit two (2) letters of support from individuals who know the Student in a current or recent academic or professional capacity and a transcript from all institutions of higher education that the Student has attended or is attending.
      2. The AVP-OAIA will schedule an interview of the Student by the Panel, as defined in the Policy, by telephone or videoconference as soon as practicable.
      3. The Panel will provide a written response to the Student's Petition within ten (10) Business Days of the date of the interview.
      4. The decision of the Panel regarding records removal is final and cannot be appealed or formally grieved.