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UMGC Career Connection
Six Powerful Ways to Rebrand Your Resume for a New Career

Rhoda Smackum
By Rhoda Smackum

Changing careers can beexciting,butacommonchallengeofmanycareer changers isalackofexperience in the field they want to enter.Sure, they have transferrable skills,butwithout anydirect experiencecareer changersoftenstruggletodemonstratehow their skillsetisrelevant toa desiredjob opportunity.Continue below for tips on how to rebrand your resume for a new career.

What Does the Employer Want?
A good place to startwhen writing aresumefor a newindustryis to consider the employer’s needs. Understanding this will help you craft a resume that answers three main things:whatyou did,howyou did it,andwhatwas the result.Refer to position descriptions on company websites and search for keywords and common themes. Also utilize career resources (such asand the) to identify general qualifications. Explore company social media pages, external reviews on,and conduct informational interviews with current and former employees to find out about organizational culture and the types of candidateswho find success.

Conduct a Skills and Knowledge Inventory
Review and assessyourcurrentskills and knowledgeandidentifyanyskillsgapsyou may need for your new field.Visitto further identifyskillsyou could use to market yourself on your resume. You can type in your current or past job titles and click on“Compare Skills”under theCareer Matchesthat come up for you.From here, check if youaremissing any key qualificationsand if they can be substituted with experience or education.

Choose the Best Resume Format
It’s important totell the best story possible about your professional life.Acombinationresumeorhybridresumeformatallowsyou tofeature relevant skills at the topfollowed by adetailed work history.You can alsocombineaspects of bothachronological andhybridresumes. Abenefitof doing thisis you can highlight your transferrable skills and give the recruiter what they prefer,which isto see yourwork history listed in reverse chronological order.

Include a Key-Word Rich Summary
Putting asummary of qualificationson your resume is a way tohighlightyourmost valuable,relevantattributesto the hiringmanager.This summaryshouldincluderelevant skills andaccomplishments butshouldalsotakeinto consideration thelimited time hiring managers spend reviewingthe document.The goal is tocapture theattentionof thereviewerandprompt themto read on.A well-written summary describesinrelationtotheposition title or role.Itshouldconcisely showcaseyour key qualificationsand attributesin no more thanoneor twosentences,or several bullet points.

Focus on Achievements,Numbers,andMetrics
Provide quantifiable information if possible (for example:“Managed a team of 6”or“Exceeded standards by 35%”). Concentrate on skills, accomplishments,and results rather than duties. For example:Completed sales transactions vs. Provide courteous, efficient,and accurate service in completing customer transactions.Remove bullets that are mundane or do not demonstrate benefit to the employer. Begin statements with a strong action verb.Be focused, concise, andaction or accomplishment oriented. Write strong accomplishment statements that effectively describe your work experience.

List Education Before Experience
If you’re concerned about lacking experience in your desired field,consider putting your “Education” section ahead of your “Experience” section. Be sure to add relevant,detailed bullet pointsto show the recruiter your skills.This section should demonstrate what you can do, soavoidincluding information not relevant to the position.

Toobtain instantresumefeedback useour free tools, , available through and.As always, keep in mind that UMGC Career Services is available to help you plan and achieve career success.with a UMGC Career Advising Specialist.

RhodaSmackumis amanager inCareer Services and Alumni Relations at University of MarylandGlobal Campus. She has approximately 28,000 hours of work experience in the field of career development. Ms.Smackumenjoys working collaboratively, in partnership with students and alumni to identify career issues, match values with career choices and obtain meaningful work. She holds a Master of Arts degreefrom Bowie State University and a Bachelor of General Studies degree from the University of Maryland College Park. She is a Certified Master of Career Services (CMCS) and an Associate Certified Career Coach.